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T&F Time Trial @SJU (indoors) (11:00 first event)

Date – Time

March 23, 2024 – 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM


St. John's University - Clemens Stadium (Collegeville)
2699 Abbey Rd
Collegeville, MN 56321 US

Additional Information

Updated 5/31/2024. 
End time is approximate.

This will be held in the fieldhouse. The Clemens Stadium address will get you there, but the meet will be held in the adjacent "Donald McNeely Spectrum" indoor facility. See campus map at  https://www.csbsju.edu/about/sju-campus-map (#15A in center of map).

Teams attending: Spectrum B&G, Robbinsdale Armstrong B&G, Sauk Centre B&G, Totino Grace B&G, Coon Rapids B&G, Stillwater B, Osseo B&G, Morris B&G, Northwest Nighthawks B&G.

10:00 arrival/setup (earliest allowed); 10:15 team warmup; 11:00 first event.
 2024 Meet details: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Xj8t_xW16gCkXgjheQNEhqS12W1Jiolu/view?usp=drive_link

Note from the Host:

  • Please do not use chalk to mark approaches. Tape is acceptable.
  • Bus drop-off is door #1. It is easier to navigate than driving through the parking lot. 
  • Assuming the weather continues to be warm, the outdoor track will be available for warmups.


-Spikes: 1/4 inch or less: pyramid only.
-NO CHALK for jump approaches. Please use tape and remove it after competing.
-Please do not sit, lean, or stretch on hurdles
-Please keep shoes off the walls
-Unless competing, please stay off the high jump and pole vault pits
-Please empty your shoes of sand at the long jump pit or outside the building

Team details and other meet information (meet grids, packing lists, etc.): see team googledrive.
(Login to the website and look in the Team Members' Area menu for the link.) 


  • Check your checklist! Even though this is an indoor meet, WEAR WARMUP PANTS. :)
  • Wear a RED TOP. If you don't have one, ask a teammate if you can borrow one!
    If you have an extra, please bring it if you're willing to loan it out.
    This makes it easier for your coaches to see and time you.
  • Wear whatever dress-code compliant shorts you'd like.

Bring food. The meet will be occurring over normal lunch time, and it is a long drive home.